Find Out Your Bottom-Line Financial Impact
Aleria has collected exhaustive data showing that the level of inclusion of different groups in an organization impacts satisfaction, which in turn is known to impact both productivity and attrition (retention) rates. The Inclusion Impact Calculator below estimates the lost revenues from decreased productivity, and the increased costs from unwanted attrition, that result from lowered levels of inclusion of employees in different identity groups.
The calculator is interactive: use the controls to change any of the parameters, and see an estimate of how much money your organization is losing—or how much it could save by being more inclusive. Look below the calculator for additional information on how to customize this for your organization, or how to measure inclusion for more accurate results. Read more about it in Forbes.
How The calculator works
The Inclusion Impact Calculator estimates the losses incurred by your organization as a result of lower levels of inclusion [1] for certain groups of people. The parameters you see in the default setting are based on a hypothetical company of 2,000 people. We used a combination of available research as well as our own data. For simplicity we only used coarse demographic groups, but the calculator can be customized to include any amount of additional detail, based on available data.
The calculator is interactive: you can change any of the assumption to see the impact. For instance, you could use the data for a single division, or adjust the representation numbers, or replace the inclusion levels using your own data (if you don't have inclusion data, you can use satisfaction data).
Grow the pie for everyone
By default, the estimated loss are based on the fact that the inclusion levels of employees from other groups are lower than the current level of inclusion of white men. But what if you could increase everyone's level of inclusion satisfaction? Change the Baseline for Comparison drop-down to see how much more money you could make if you had a perfectly inclusive organization.
Make it your own
This version of the Inclusion Impact Calculator uses high-level information and only coarse demographic groups. As part of our Discover Inclusion program we will customize it using more accurate demographic data and other identity traits for your organization. If you then proceed with the Assess Inclusion program you will have much more detailed inclusion data by identity group, division, location, roles, and other job-related factors. Lastly, use your own financial data to estimate the potential savings and ROI during the Implement Inclusion program.
Contact us to learn how to turn this into the strategic tool your leadership needs to make sound decisions about the ROI of becoming a more inclusive organization.
Learn more
To learn more about how we estimate your losses, or to learn how Aleria can measure your inclusion levels to help you achieve higher profits and happier people—without guesswork or backlash—send us an email or use our contact form.
We are grateful to Meng Cao for his help developing this calculator. The interactive calculator was created with the cloud-based platform Grid.
[1] Alternatively, you can use data about satisfaction or even sense of inclusion or sense of belonging data you may have collected yourself or through a third party.