How this calculator works

This calculator estimates the losses incurred by your organization as a result of lower levels of inclusion (or satisfaction) for certain groups of people. You can read about the calculator in our Forbes blog. The parameters you see in this custom version are based on publicly available data about your company (see below). We used a combination of available research and our own data, as well as some representation data for a portion of your organization.

The calculator is interactive: you can change any of the assumption to see the impact. For instance, you could use the data for a single division, or adjust the representation numbers, or replace the inclusion levels using your own data (if you don't have inclusion data, you can use satisfaction data).

Grow the pie for everyone

By default, the estimated loss are based on the fact that the inclusion levels of employees from Historically Underrepresented Groups (women, people of color, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, …) are lower than the current level of inclusion of those who identify as white men. But what if you could increase everyone's level of inclusion satisfaction? Change the Baseline for Comparison drop-down to see how much more money you could make if you had a perfectly inclusive organization.

How we found data for your organization

Your website mentions 33,000 employees and $7.5B in revenues.

For demographics we used national average data for hospital systems as provided by

  • White women: 54.1%

  • White men: 7%

  • BIPOC women: 11.4%

  • BIPOC men: 3.7%

  • Asian women: 5.7%

  • Asian men: 2.9%

  • Others: 5.2%

For inclusion / satisfaction levels, we use typical numbers based on our own research.

To find out more…

The results shown here are only an estimate, but are likely to be in the right order of magnitude. As part of our Discover Inclusion—the first stage of your Journey to Inclusion—we can work with your team to refine the data and underlying assumptions, and then deliver a compelling presentation to your executive team, to explain how they can achieve higher financial returns and happier employees, without guesswork or backlash.

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